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_Memorial Rocas AR

Memorial Rocas AR is an interactive Chilean documentary that employs augmented reality technology to recreate Rocas de Santo Domingo.

2021 Pepe Rovano
EN,ES Visit the project

“Very important human rights memorial sites are being destroyed over time, and my vision is to rebuild them using AR along with witness and victim testimonies in order to be able to visit the past, because keeping our country’s memory alive is the only way to make a better future.”

Pepe Rovano, Creator, to Docubase


Memorial Rocas AR is an interactive Chilean documentary that employs augmented reality technology to recreate Rocas de Santo Domingo, a holiday vacation site turned into a center of torture by Pinochet’s dictatorship, and later destroyed by the Chilean military. The purpose of the project is to maintain the memory of this site so the acts that took place here are not erased from history.

The project takes the form of a virtual tour that takes the viewer through the different places that were part of these facilities. Through the tour the virtual visitor encounters, videos of the current state of the site, 3D models of the demolished installations, and audio testimonies of different actors, such as vacation visitors, former members of the military, and survivors.

Preservation Wishes


Project at a Glance :

Language : EN,ES
Country : Chile
Year : 2021
Author : Pepe Rovano
Producer : Totoral Films
Team : Alisú,Ingrid Céspedes,Jaime Bassa,Kamila Veliz,Marcelo Campos,Maria Ignacia Court,Pablo Valenzuela,Pedro Peña,Teresa Paz Aracena,Tiziana Panizza
Developers : Brillo Colectivo,Javier Garay,Paola Gonzalez
Designers : Natalia Cabrera
Exhibition Venues : AIS2019 Universitet van Amsterdam (Netherlands),Parque Cultural de Valparaís,XIV Bienal de Nuevos Medios (Chile)
Budget Range : $30000 (in-kind developer hours),$60000 (spent)
Funders AND Incubators : Dok Leipzig 2018,Dok Sheffield 2018,Fondo Nacional para el Desarrollo Cultural y las Artes (Fondart 2018) of the Chilean Ministry of Culture,Marchè du Films Cannes 2020,Museum of Memory and Human Rights
Trailer :

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