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_To Call a Horse a Deer

Based on the Chinese idiom, this game uses language, hand-eye coordination and acts of complicity.

2018 IP Yuk-Yiu
CN,EN,JP,KR Visit the project

“To Call a Horse a Deer” is an experimental video game about language, hand-eye coordination, truth-bending and acts of complicity.

Ip Yuk-Yiu, Author

The Chinese idiom “point to a door and call it a horse” refers to purposely misrepresenting the truth and/or distorting facts for ulterior motives. The idiom originates from a tale in the Chinese classical text Shiji (The Records of Grand Historians) in which an ambitious Qin politician tries to identify adversaries and silence dissent by colluding others to confuse a deer with a horse. “To Call a Horse a Deer” is a game by IP Yuk-Yiu that reflects and critiques how systematic truth-bending has become a tool in modern day political practice.

Project at a Glance :

Language : CN,EN,JP,KR
Country : China
Year : 2018
Author : IP Yuk-Yiu
Producer : IP Yuk-Yiu
Developers : IP Yuk-Yiu
Designers : IP Yuk-Yiu
Topics : Arts and Culture,Critical Game,Media Activism,Politics
Technologies : Leap Motion Sensor,MaxMSP
Techniques : Game,Installation,interactive,text
Exhibition Venues : "Play.Ground.II" VGA Gallery,A Maze.,Sheffield Doc/Fest
Awards & Nominations : Award Nominee A MAZE. / Berlin,Best Digital Experience Nominee Alternative Realities- Sheffield Doc/Fest UK
Funders AND Incubators : IP Yuk-Yiu
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